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Best Yoga Teacher Trainings in LA

Best Yoga Teacher Trainings in LA

Discover the ultimate guide to finding the best yoga teacher trainings in LA. Our comprehensive resource covers top schools, program details, and expert insights to help you choose the perfect training for your journey. Elevate your practice and teaching skills today!


For a comparable price to local training, you can immerse yourself in our Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher Training at all-inclusive resorts in Costa RicaThailand or Bali!
At Sama Yoga House we bring together globally recognized, top-tier yoga instructors to create immersive and transformative yoga training experiences.
If you are interested, we would love to hop on a call to share more! 

Black Dog Yoga Teacher Training

The 200-hour yoga teacher training program at Black Dog Yoga meets all Yoga Alliance requirements with a well-balanced curriculum covering the physical aspects of yoga as well as philosophy and anatomy.

At Black Dog Yoga you will learn the detailed breakdown, anatomy and analysis of poses and you’ll also learn a lot about chakras, yoga philosophy, the yoga sutras, breathing and meditation. There’s special attention on teaching you how the business of yoga works, what makes you unique and what makes your students go back to your classes.

During your 2 month training you will be allowed to participate in any classes at Black Dog Yoga for free and upon completion of your training, you will have the opportunity to assist classes as well.

  • Price: $2600 (early bird), $2,900
  • Duration: 2 months, Friday evenings + weekends 
  • Website:
  • Yoga Style: Hatha + Vinyasa 

Yoga Salt – Tamal Yoga Teacher Training

The Tamal yoga school has certified hundreds of successful students in the past 10 years. You will learn how to teach yoga to beginners and advanced students, you will discover functional anatomy, you will find your voice as a teacher, you will be engulfed in philosophy and you will walk away having had a life-changing experience. The Tamal yoga school will not ask you to have a certain level of yoga practice before you apply, complete beginners are welcome too!

Hot 8 Yoga Teacher Certification

Hot 8 Yoga teacher training programs are geared to help transform you while being surrounded by a community of like-minded individuals. Hot 8 Yoga spends time in teacher training on the philosophy of yoga, accessible anatomy and community building.

The main focus will be on learning to discipline your daily life, educate yourself on yoga philosophies and improve your relationship with those around you. Once you’ve developed a daily yoga practice you will be put on a path of mastering a deep understanding of different yoga philosophies and postures and by the end of your training, you will feel like you are ready to share this knowledge.

During your training you will can participate in classes for free at Hot 8 Yoga and will be required to attend 5 classes a week (3 included in training hours) apart from the classes of the training.

Highland Park Yoga

Our training focuses on classical yoga philosophy and spirituality, with a progressive approach to alignment and movement. We believe in fitting the asana to the student rather than the student to the asana. We advocate for asana practice that accommodates all bodies and meets people where they are in their yogic journey. You will learn functional alignment and anatomy, practice self improvement and explore the origins of yoga through yogic philosophy and history.

Week by week, we will explore kriyas, mudras, mantras, meditation and breathing techniques to complement your asana practice. You will learn about Ayurveda and how to incorporate it into your daily life, read and discuss yogic texts, learn advanced asanas and how to sequence safe and inspiring classes.

Rising Lotus Yoga School

Training at Rising Lotus Yoga will be a great choice whether your interest is in teaching or simply deepening your experience and knowledge of the ancient science of yoga. You will gain knowledge of yoga philosophy that you’ll be able to apply in everyday life for self-growth and you’ll be able to share this knowledge through designing transformative classes.

At Rising Lotus Yoga the basic 200-hour training is divided into two modules: the first 120 hours are focusing on deepening your own practice, learning about the breath, asana, meditation, sequencing. The second module is 80 hours of assisting at classes, attending workshops (not included in the course fee!), learning about the psychology of teaching.

  • Price: Module one: $2600 + Module two: $700 – $800
  • Duration: 13 weekends
  • Website: http://www. .com/
  • Yoga Style: Hatha

Red Diamond Yoga Teacher Training

Red Diamond Yoga’s programs are created to deliver a special yoga education that’s based on anatomy, philosophy, movement principles, subtle body, and how to put it all together in a way that makes sense.

This program is perfect for anyone interested in becoming a teacher or anyone who is curious about the deeper meaning, history and understanding of how to apply the science of yoga to both times on the mat and daily life.

There are no pre-requisites for this training, no need to be a yoga expert to apply. The course will take place on weekends for over 2 months with the best teachers of Red Diamond.

Love Yoga Space

This 200 hour yoga teacher training program is a comprehensive, practice and theory based introduction to teaching yoga.  The program is designed the program to give you a wide range of knowledge; you will be able to speak about yoga from an eloquent and informed position, formulate your own classes, give safe and powerful adjustments, and feel confident to step into the world as a teacher.  The program was created and will be led by Love Yoga founder, Sian Fujikawa.